Empower Teaching, Inspire Learning

About HABOOK Group

HABOOK Group, established in Taiwan in 1999, is dedicated to education technology research for more than 25 years, and has developed a complete resolution to school modernization, Our objectives are applying technologies into education, promoting effective TITM (Technology Innovative Teaching Model), strategies, and creating unlimited possibilities of education. TEAM Model AI Smarter Schools, which includes the classroom end smarter teaching system, student end smarter learning service, cloud analysis and management platform service that can effectively promote teachers’ professional development and student learning outcomes. Currently, HABOOK is continuously building the smarter schools around the world. There are over 50,000 smarter classrooms for 2,000,000 students’ daily usage.



HiTeach AI, the support system of the AIPACK framework

The integration function of Mind map + Collaboration + generative AI was highly praised

AI GPT interface: AI question setting, scoring, abstract, and instruction set

Release Contest Game mode

Transparent mode: seamlessly integrate e-books, presentations, web pages...

HiTeach won the 2024 EdTech Award "Teaching Software Award"


HiTeach 5 Launches Smart Rating Module, clouDAS Module

Smart Rating Module includes three major functions, Grand Rating, Multi-round Voting, and Peer Assessment, achieving a more comprehensive multi-assessment operational framework for teacher assessment, peer assessment, and student self-assessment.

The clouDAS Diagnostic Analysis Module can further generate student learning diagnostic analysis reports based on the data of HiTeach test activity.


HiTeach CC & New Dual AI Service

Launch the HiTeach CC (Cloud Classroom), a free, easy-to-use, free installation, and cross-platform smart teaching software.

HiTeach 5 is equipped with dual AI engines, including AI Text Analysis and AI Sokrates Summary Notice. The former helps teachers quickly process the large number of words, phrases, and sentences synchronously sent from the students in the classroom. The latter provides immediate feedback on the technology interaction and frequency analysis at the end of the class, serving as an AI coach personal to help teachers become familiar with HiTeach 5.


All-New TEAM Model 5 Series

After several years of research, development, and upgrading, the TEAM Model 5 series was launched.

Including: HiTeach 5, HiTA 5 Teacher app, Web IRS 5, IES 5, AClass ONE 5 Learning Companion, PLAYTOL Learning Assessment Analysis System, OMR Exam Scanning System, and Sokrates 5 series.

HABOOK's founder, Professor Power Wu, won the "Mudor Award", the highest honor in education and academia in Taiwan.

Invited by university scholars from the US and China to jointly present "Enhance teacher learning and promote curriculum reforms through AI-supported lesson study" at the WALS (World Association of Lesson Studies) 2021 International Conference.

HABOOK's long-term public welfare support unit, Taiwan Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Development Association, was awarded the Gold Award for Public Contribution from the Ministry of the Interior.



Launch the "PLAYTOL Clips" and "Web IRS" to achieve accurate remediation and more convenient real-time feedback for teachers and students.

Organize "Smarter Lecture & Global Pedagogical Review" events around the world to promote AI teacher professional development.


The 20th anniversary of HABOOK Group.

HABOOK Group integrates smarter teaching systems, teacher professional development platform, and AI education big data analysis, aiming at building TEAM Model AI Smarter Schools all over the world.


Haboard Smarter Touchscreen

Launch the Haboard Smarter Touchscreen which fully integrates hardware and software, completing an important piece of the smarter school environment.


Launch the Digital Lesson Observation Lounge - AI Sokrates

Launch the Sokrates AI Teaching Analytics Service.

Launch the Sokrates Channel (Sokrates Digital Lesson Observation Platform).

Established GTERI (Global TEAM Model Education Research Institute).

Launch the AClass ONE Learning Companion App.


Distance Smarter Classroom

Achieving the synchronization of multiple classrooms in different places, real-time interaction, and data feedback, effectively promotes the balanced development of teaching resources.

HiLearning Student Tablet Learning System was awarded the GESS Award at the Middle East International Education Show.

2013 · 2014

Haboard Interactive Whiteboard / HiLearning Student Tablet Learning System

Haboard Interactive Whiteboard was awarded the 21st Taiwan Excellence Award.

HiLearning was awarded the 22nd Taiwan Excellence Award.

2014 Gold Award of the Learning Technology.

Won the prestigious international Dun & Bradstreet SME Elite Award.


The 4th generation smarter classroom: TBL & Student-Tablet Smarter Classroom

Combine group tablets and multi-point wireless transceiver technology to launch a new team cooperation learning smarter classroom: TBL (Team-based Learning) Smarter Classroom, which precisely facilitates team learning and expression.

Launch the new Student-tablet Smarter Classroom that incorporates self-learning, group learning, decision-making, record-keeping, and other features.

2010 · 2011

The 3rd generation smarter classroom: HiTeach Smarter Classroom

Launch the TEAM Model Smarter Education Supporting System, which provides e-Teaching, e-assEssing, e-diAgnosing, and e-reMediation.

HiTeach was awarded the Jury's Special Award in the prestigious international Best Choice Awards.

2002 · 2005

The 2nd generation smarter classroom: wireless IRS Smarter Classroom

Using the RF wireless multi-point transceiver technology to launch a new generation of IRS, providing more accurate teaching feedback and data analysis.

In 2002, published the world's first thesis on 1-to-1 computing (via student-tablet, etc.) in education: Applying Wireless Technologies to Build a Highly Interactive Learning Environment.


Invested in CAI research and invented the IRS system

The 1st generation smarter classroom: Infrared IRS Smarter Classroom

IRS uses infrared transceiver technology and obtains patent

Vision Tree of TEAM Model Smarter Education

Lasting 25 years, the TEAM Model vision tree is irrigated with the smarter educational principles based on the TEAM Model Smarter Education Supporting System.
Build a mature smarter learning environment.
Taking the principle of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning as the guidance.
Extract effective smarter model through training the teachers.
Develop TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning class. 
Fulfill every child’s wish.
With the vision of achieving every child.
Realize the educational ideal of student-centered one-to-one Smarter Education.

Global Influence

Thanks to the support of numerous domestic and foreign customers as well as our strong competitive advantages, the HABOOK Group has maintained a stable growth. HABOOK's product sales covers China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Jordan, Bulgaria, Japan, the US, Poland, Nigeria, Pakistan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brazil, India, and other countries and regions. The domain of TEAM Model Smarter Classroom crosses over five major continents, and HABOOK has become the world’s leading brand for smart education systems.