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Global News in Smarter Education

TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning(TBSL)

Author: Prof. Power Wu, Dr. Steven Liang
I. Introduction

The concept of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning(TBSL for short) is a modern way of learning which manifests the strengths of TEAM Model smarter learning supporting system. Also known as a modern pedagogy, this is a teaching method that fully integrates contents (C), pedagogy (P) and technology (T).

TBSL is a team-based learning method (TBL) that makes good use of the data access channel that connects the smart devices between teachers and students. It also takes advantage of data access on TEAM Model 1-to-1 pedagogy, team-based learning(TBL), and 1-to-1 self-learning in eliminating the bridging gaps between before-class, in-class, and after-class learning. Smart strategies based on automatically collected and analyzed teaching data can make the class more effective and cleverer.

When it comes to TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning, the key concepts include Interaction, Differentiation and Autonomy, with three stages of classroom modes including Student-Centered Learning, Synchronous Differentiated Instruction, and TEAM Model 1-to-1. It is a modern pedagogy that manifests personal integration, focuses on team-based learning and realizes the concept of personality-oriented teaching.

 Integration Levels of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning

TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning bring the class to deeply integrated levels, like student-centered learning, synchronous differentiated instruction and TEAM Model 1-to-1. With the help of technology, the ideology of TBSL will be bettered and refined constantly to create a modern smarter classroom close to perfection.

The Three Deeply Integrated Levels of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning:

1. Student-Centered Learning
A smarter class that centered on students and focus on highly effective interaction.

2. Synchronous Differentiated Instruction
A smarter class that diversify in a timely manner according to decisions made based on data.

3. TEAM Model 1-to-1
A smarter class in accordance with students' aptitude and conduct one-on-one learning under group learning.

 Integration Levels of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning II. Innovation and Development

TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning has been put into use in classrooms and developed for 20 years. Around the globe, we have conducted wide and in-depth experiments on more than three thousand schools, fifty thousand classrooms, two hundred thousand teachers and two million students, having gained hands-on experience, which complements the academic research and theoretical basis of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning. TEAM Model Support System and TEAM Model Based Learning are interrelated. With the support of the TEAM Model Support System, TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning reaches its best performance; meanwhile, furthered the upgrades of TEAM Model Support System.

TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning is evidence-oriented, which facilitate teaching/researching and discussion. For instance, Homogeneous pedagogy, heterogeneous pedagogy and so on. The method helps homogenization in the teaching field and promote teaching diversity. TEAM Model widely accesses teaching big data and use AI Sokrates System to generate Sokrates Reports, Sokrates Videos and Sokrates Lesson Samples, and many other teaching data. The system also constantly accumulates its wisdom and experiences from professional research, common teaching behavior data model, and smart class cases.

TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning integrates TEAM Model technology and modern education ideology, and thus can be applied to various mainstream teaching patterns, including LBL, TBL, PBL, 1:1 and so on. TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning supports various modern pedagogies. With the aid of TEAM Model Supporting System, learning community, inquiry-based learning, Share-Start, and other teaching approaches can evolve into new types of teaching method that capitalizes on technology such as Zhi Lian Huan plus learning community, Intelligence Share-start and so on, making these modern teaching patterns easier to copy and pass on.
III. The Three Stages of TEAM Model Based ClassroomTEAM Model Based classroom is a modernized classroom using data to figure out smart strategies. It includes three main stages, effective interaction, synchronized diversification and group learning autonomy. The following is a brief introduction:

1. Effective Interaction
In the classroom where everyone has intelligence terminals, students and teachers can yield more effective and make teaching more flexible through using a variety of interaction pattern and conduct teaching strategies in accordance with prompt data at any time.

2. Synchronized Differentiation
In the traditional one-on-many classroom, it is extremely difficult to diversify teaching materials according to students’ level. Through data strategies made by the intelligence terminals, teachers may send diversified materials or tasks to groups or individuals at a time, carrying out synchronized diversified lessons.

3. Autonomy Group Learning
A classroom where each has intelligence terminals not only provides holistic one-on-one self-learning but can carry out teamwork, whole-class learning and other group learning activities through making data strategic decisions.

The three stages, effective interaction, synchronized diversification, autonomy under group learning should be proceeded according to the forms and numbers of intelligence terminals. One should also make use of data to conduct teaching strategic decisions to reach the ultimate goal of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning.

IV. Four Aspects of Data-based DecisionData formation, data collecting, data analyzing, and data-based decisions are the features and strengths of TEAM Model Based classroom. Intelligence teachers must foster the basic ability to review and using data. We list four points to expound overall contexts where the strategies are applied to break the limitation of the traditional classroom.

1. Comprehend charts and form mutual rapport
Smart Classroom is the latest learning trend. Real-time charts and diagrams like the statistical diagram, bar charts and group difference map not only help teachers come up with data-based decisions but foster students’ ability to read charts. Once students are able to read charts and diagrams, they know themselves, their group and the class better, and thus become willing to dedicate themselves to learning. At this, verbal communication is no longer the only way to form rapport between teachers and students.

2. Review Thoughts and Make Changes
Upon receiving students’ feedback on teachers’ questions, teachers can review the thinking process of the whole class, a group, even an individual through real-time data.

3. Different Thoughts and Diversified Thinking
By using the data access in a Smart Classroom, one can quickly uploads and presents individual works or teamwork results on a common platform or send them to each group so that everyone can review comments from other groups conveniently. With the convergence of different comments and thinking processes, students can brainstorm, discuss and think in different ways.

4. See the Difference and Give Materials According to Students' Aptitude
With the application of statistics and analysis in Smart Classrooms, teachers can quickly control learning conditions of the whole class, groups or even respective students and tell the difference in the class or between groups. This allows teachers to give materials according to students’ attitude and send diversified contents, materials to groups or individuals through the sending function of data access. These all help conduct proper diversified pedagogy and assessments. Diversified contents, diversified materials, diversified pedagogy, diversified assessments can be uses to carry out diversified teaching with sufficient diversified class preparation.
V. Seven Mantras for TEAM Model Based ApplicationTEAM Model System is created for the concept of TEAM Model Based aiming to promote student-centered learning and helping children achieve their goals. To help intelligence teacher transfer to better teaching models, we come up with application mantras in class. The mantras help teachers develop their professional skills and create Smart Classroom. The mantras are as follow:

1. Expand attention; Grasp Individuals
Teachers may attend to wider aspects on students and take control of individual students’ learning conditions using data access.
 Strategies on expanding attention
2. Application Amelioration to Outperform Traditional Ways
Based on the ideology of TEAM Model Based, one should make use of and fully exert the power of intelligent technology to create teaching patterns superior to traditional ways, not just fit the tools into teaching fields. Through study and demonstration upon arguments, one can devise novel teaching patterns that are better than traditional methods.

3. Student-Centered Learning with Teacher Guidance
With the guidance of teachers, teachers can form an environment that centers on students and bases on learning. The approach breaks students learning boundaries, going from passive learning, interactive learning, and active learning to autonomic learning (including convenience, effectiveness, and intelligence).

4. Interaction between Individuals with Real-Time Feedback
The TEAM Model System comes with a complete recognition function that can promote teaching quality and quantity with questioning and feedback. The system closes up the distance between teachers and students with timely employment of teacher-student interaction, between-peer interaction, student-teacher interaction, and other learning modes.

5. Control the Results while Taking Care of Students' Feeling
Teachers can control feedbacks from individual students in a timely manner with TEAM Model System. In the process, teachers should take advantage of technology to create Heart-To-Heart moments, like cue time, statistic time, flipping time, and discussion time. At the same time, teachers should take care of individual students’ feelings and avoid negative feelings as well.
 Showing the only student with the wrong answer using Flip Card, could cause pressure and negative feelings for the student
6. Collaboration Sided with Competition
Use the collaboration mechanic of TEAM Model System (group discussion and peer teaching) to heighten learning effectiveness and use competition properly to provide incentives for collaboration. Design classroom activities including collaboration and competition to shape a lively, interactive, and active classroom. Avoid deviating from the stress which encourages collaboration through competition instead of mere competition.

7. Record the Class with Connection to After-class
TEAM Model System records procedures in class automatically and builds up an abundance of data (including digital materials, e-note, activity procedures, diagnosis reports, make-up videos, teaching behaviors, learning behaviors and, etc.). Effective class recording fills up the gaps between before-class, in-class, and after-class and builds up learning modes and environments close to perfect.
VI. Accurate Teaching Strategies of TEAM Model Based Smarter LearningTEAM Model Based Smarter Learning is a pedagogy of accuracy. It conducts precise teaching strategies in student-centered classrooms aided by TEAM Model Smart Learning Supporting System. From e-Teaching, e-assEssing, e-diAgnosing to e-reMediation, it covers up learning process throughout before-class, in-class and after-class. The following context explicates the teaching strategies upon application of interactive classroom (T), real-time feedbacks (E), diagnosis analysis (A), and learning partner remediation (M).

1. Interactive Classroom (T)
Interaction is the first step in realizing student-centered concepts, turning students from objects to subjects. In a classroom where each person has an intelligence terminal at hand, one can make teacher-student interaction more convenient, effective, and smart using TEAM Model System. Take quick question games, gaining dominance in games, and picking students for example, by picking a student or a group randomly, teachers can create impartial classrooms. Smart picking is a function that picks random students basing on the students’ typical feedback data. For example, students who get the answer wrong, students of specific options, and students with correct answers from each group, etc. Such a function makes the class more targeted and smarter.

2. Real-time Feedback (E)
Teachers can give students instructions to use intelligence terminals to give feedback at any time. After teachers propose effective questions, valid data from students is collected and analyzed by TEAM Model Teaching System to generate all kinds of charts, which help teachers conduct effective strategies. By using intelligence sending service, teachers can send diversified materials, automatically or semi-automatically to intelligence terminals of groups or individuals in accordance with the types of students’ feedback data with smartness to conduct diversified learning.

3. Diagnosis Analysis (A)
TEAM Model System automatically records the complete learning process before class, in class, and after class including analyses of various assessments (IRS, script quiz, and online scoring system, and so on), activity data, and behavioral data of procedures of activities and e-notes. Diagnosis analysis allows teachers to trace back, diagnose and analyze learning condition of each student.

4. Mediation (M)
TEAM Model System is also a cloud-integrated system that uses the Internet to connect learning resources before class, in class, and after class. Students use the Learning Companion app(or web browser) to seamlessly receive learning resources such as e-notes, activity history, diagnostic reports, and remedial video. Students can use this to remedy wrong questions, focus on review, and flip learning or autonomous learning. 

Supported by TEAM Model System, TBSL is equipped with advantages like autonomous learning, group learning, smart strategies, recording throughout the class, artificial intelligence, which helps realize student-centered learning and inspires students with materials in accordance with their aptitude.

The advantages of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning
VII. TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning plus AI CoachTEAM Model AI Sokrates System is an intelligence system which collects and analyses data of teaching behaviors and traits in class. It is not only a teaching expert combined with AI but also Smart Teachers’ AI coach which analyses and fully integrates contents (C), pedagogy (P), and technology (T).

With the guarantee of the AI coach, TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning gives teachers real-time feedbacks and immensely facilitates teachers’ professional skills on their way to smart learning. Take Chengdu ELDU Wisteria Primary School for instance, over 300 Sokrates videos are recorded automatically each month. Through these videos, teachers have smart discussion, pinpoint the teaching pattern with clips, and conduct research activities on analysis of homogeneous pedagogy and heterogeneous pedagogy and so on. Such a method ensures the amelioration on teaching quality and gradually accumulates the wisdom in class, bring the best out of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning.

TEAM Model AI Sokrates VideoVIII. TBSL's Classic Lesson Sharing Platform
As TEAM Model System is applied systematically, massively and normally in over ten countries and regions, its application gets wider and deeper and has amassed many thousands of classic, valuable Sokrates video examples. These videos are kept in the Sokrates Platforms of Global TEAM Model Education Research Institute (short for Sokrates Channel). These videos not only help share and promote TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning, but also build up a global data research platform for TBSL which gradually collects and provides research on teacher’s specialization development, norms of teaching behavior big data, cases of smarter lectures database, international cooperation and interaction mechanic, just to name a few.
TEAM Model Sokrates Channels
On the Sokrates platform and channel, the smart tags of Sokrates videos make the smart model of lesson videos sliceable and can be searched, indexed, classified, analyzed, reviewed, commented, etc. For example: search by region, course, grade, subject, teaching type, smarter characteristics (second Re-Check Quiz, differentiated teaching by Differentiated Push, collaborative learning), etc.
Sokrates platform exclusive channel (the film can be set for public or not) and global exchange platform
The TEAM Model System collects teaching data in smarter classrooms automatically, amasses a great number of Sokrates videos, verifies and stores up valuable shares. It is the most treasurable resource in helping teachers develop their professional skills. In the following context, there will be classic examples of highly interactive Student-Centered Learning, Synchronous Differentiated Instruction, TEAM Model 1-to-1, and other in-depth application levels:

1.Student-Centered Learning
Teacher Ma Hung-tao, Little Monkey Hanging Bananas

In the 1st Cross-strait Smarter Lecture Contest in 2016, the first prize-winning team of elementary school math: Little Monkey Hanging Bananas (Chengdu Team, instructed by Teacher Ma Hongtao in Chengdu ELDU Wisteria Primary School), fully demonstrated a student-centered learning, highly interactive lesson.

2.Synchronous Differentiation Instruction
Teacher Hsu Da-wei, Exploration on Fraction

In 2nd Cross-strait Smarter Lecture Contest 2017, the team wining first prize on elementary school math: Exploration on Fraction (Taipei Team, instructed by Teacher Hsu Dawei, Beisin Elementary School, New Taipei County) conducted diversified lesson preparation and carry out a synchronized diversified lesson.

3. TEAM Model 1-to-1
Teacher Gao Jian-feng, Inverse Proportional Function

In 3rd Cross-strait Smarter Lecture Contest 2018, the team wining first prize in middle school math: Inverse Proportional Function (Hangzou Jianggan Team, instructed by Teacher Gao Jianfeng, Hangzhou Jingfang Middle School) demonstrate group one-on-one learning with diversified materials for different students in a  Student-tablet Smarter Classroom.

Recommended article: Lesson Samples on the Principle of TEAM Model Based Smarter Learning - The Heart-To-Heart Model

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