Issue Number: HB20220613E Date: 13 June 2022 Author: Power Wu
HiTeach 5 is the world's 1 and only smarter classroom teaching software equipped with 2 AI engines, integrating 3 major teaching functions including interactive whiteboard function, teacher-student interaction function, and learning assessment function. It is a smarter teaching system that fully supports 4 teaching function modules: interactive learning, task learning, assessment learning, and differentiated learning.
HiTeach 5 has a built-in learning history/portfolios data processing function that can automatically concatenate learning data generated by interactive learning, task learning, and differentiated learning. By skillfully combining and applying these data, you can quickly execute data decision-making and achieve differentiated teaching methods and strategies to achieve the learning benefits of
synchronous differentiated teaching/instruction.

Picture 1: HiTeach 5 Teaching Function 【Combined Application】
HiTeach 5's interactive learning function, task learning function, and differentiated learning function can be applied in combination with each other. By linking data and making instructional decisions, many differentiated teaching methods and strategies can be designed, and the following are five basic types of combined applications (Picture 2):
(1) Retake IRS Quiz: Multiple Choice Question + Multiple Choice Question
(2) Interactive Follow-up: Multiple Choice Question + Cloze Question
(3) Interactive Task: Multiple Choice Question + Work Collection
(4) Differentiated Teaching Material: Multiple Choice Question + Differentiated Push
(5) Differentiated Task: Multiple Choice Question + Differentiated Push + Work Collection

Picture 2: HiTeach 5 Teaching Function Combined Application Basic Types
1. Retake IRS Quiz: Multiple Choice Question + Multiple Choice Question
Retake IRS Quiz is an important interactive teaching feature that has been available since the early days of HiTeach and is now even more varied. Teachers can link the students' answer data from different answering times (up to 3 times, providing the option to let students re-answer a question again and keep the previous answering record), as shown in Picture 3, including single answer, multiple answers, and true-false questions.

Picture 3: Retake IRS Quiz combined application
The data interaction area presents bar charts and pie charts for the different times of student answering, as shown in Picture 4. The bar chart distinguishes the number of each option of each time answering with different color bars, and also presents the number of students who changed their answers and the number of students who didn't change their answers. The pie chart shows the correct rate for each time answering and the correct rate for each group.
Teachers can use
Pick-out, give points, or
differentiated push functions by clicking on the charts to make instructional decisions and create change in learning.
Click on the picture below to enlarge and view

Picture 4: Example of bar and pie charts for the Retake IRS Quiz (multiple answering)
2. Interactive Follow-up: Multiple Choice Question + Cloze Question
The interactive follow-up combined application is a combination of single answer, multiple answers, or true-false questions data with the cloze question function, as shown in Picture 5.

Picture 5: Interactive Follow-up combined application
After the teacher asks the students to choose their answers, the cloze question function can be linked to the question to ask all the students simultaneously, stating the reason or causes for their answering. The show answer function will arrange students' feedback text according to their answered options, which is clear at a glance as shown in Picture 6B.

Picture 6: Operation example of the interactive follow-up combined application
3. Interactive Task: Multiple Choice Question + Work Collection
The interactive task combined application is a combination of single answer, multiple answers, or true-false questions data with the work collection function, as shown in Picture 7.

Picture 7: Interactive Task combined application
The interactive task combined application invites students to select tasks (options) based on their own choices and then complete them according to the learning requirements. In this way, when students submit tasks, the teacher's task work collection page can arrange students' tasks according to their chosen options, as shown in Picture 8B.

Picture 8: Interactive task combined application operation example
4. Differentiated Teaching Material: Multiple Choice Question + Differentiated Push
The differentiated teaching material combined application is a combination of single answer, multiple answers, or true-false questions data with the differentiated push function, as shown in Picture 9.

Picture 9: Differentiated Teaching Material combined application
Teachers can prepare differentiated material pages in advance and then send them to the students based on the feedback of the question asked by the teachers, as shown in Picture 10.

Picture 10: Example of how to operate the differential teaching material combined application
Learn more about Differentiated Push
5. Differentiated Task: Multiple Choice Question + Differentiated Push + Work Collection
The differentiated task combined application is a combination of single answer, multiple answers, or true-false questions data with the differentiated push function, and then further combine with the work collection function, as shown in Picture 11.

Picture 11: Differentiated Task combined application
Differentiated task combined application can send differentiated task to students based on their ability, correctness, or the misconception concepts represented by the options students chose, and then ask students to complete the differentiated tasks, as in Picture 12.