Taiwan: "The Digital Learning Enhancement Plan for Grade 1-12 Students"-Tablets for Students(班班有網路 生生用平板)
In Taiwan, the Ministry of Education launched the "The Digital Learning Enhancement Plan for Grade 1-12 Students" policy at the end of 2021. Starting in 2022, the digital learning enhancement plan will be comprehensively promoted for grades 1 to 12 in primary and secondary schools across the country, and a budget of NTD 20 billion will be invested, to achieve the policy goal of "every class has the Internet, and every student uses a tablet".
HiTeach has not only entered tens of thousands of classrooms in Taiwan, but has also been recognized by the Ministry of Education. It has been integrated with the MOE's teacher and student accounts and has been approved by the MOE's A2 platform to become a required course for teachers. HiTeach was also one of the first invited by the MOE to integrate classroom usage data with its Educational Big Data platform. With large-scale implementation cases in Taiwan, HiTeach will be able to more effectively assist other governments in their education digital transformation policies.
Please refer to:
Practical case of "The Digital Learning Enhancement Plan for Grade 1-12 Students" in Taiwan ►
Browse HiTeach’s powerful features
"The Digital Learning Enhancement Plan for Grade 1-12 Students" promoted by the Taiwan Ministry of Education Japan:"GIGA School Project"(GIGAスクール構想)
In order to build a new generation of learning environment, the Japanese government uses technology-assisted teaching to accelerate the digitization of learning, so that students can learn more appropriately and stimulate more students' creativity. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT) has promoted the "GIGA School" plan since 2019, providing each student with a terminal device (tablet or laptop), and building a high-speed and high-traffic network environment.
According to reports, the current deployment rate of one-person-per-person devices in compulsory education has reached nearly 100%, and the content of the application of "digital textbooks" has been further promoted. How to effectively apply this new generation teaching environment that combines digital content in the classroom is a work project that the government and schools at all levels are working on. We believe that HiTeach can definitely have the best teaching assistance effect.
For detailed policy analysis and explanation in Japanese, please refer to:(詳細な政策分析と日本語での説明については、以下を参照してください。)
「タブレットを使用する生徒」の読み書き重視の教育を教室でどのように実現するか? 「GIGAスクール構想」推進計画を詳しく解説 ►
HiTeach の強力な機能と特徴の紹介 「GIGAスクール構想」推進計画を詳しく解説 Singapore: "EdTech Masterplan 2030"
The Singapore Ministry of Education has launched the "Transforming Education through Technology" Masterplan 2030 or "EdTech Masterplan 2030" for short, which aims to harness the transformative potential of technology to improve the way schools teach and learn.
This plan builds on the 2020 EdTech Plan and ICT Plan, which looks at the opportunities and challenges in the post-pandemic era, in which technology has become a key enabler of learning. The goals of the plan are to develop digitally empowered, future-ready students and innovators; technically proficient, collaborative learning designers; smart, responsive, digitally equipped learning environments; and a networked EdTech ecosystem.
To achieve these goals, how to integrate technology more extensively into classroom teaching and learning, how teachers can skillfully apply these technologies, and how to systematically coach teachers' professional growth will be critical success factors. Please refer to the completed TEAM Model smart education support system composed of HiTeach as the main software, which will effectively achieve the project goals.
Please refer to:
Browse HiTeach’s powerful features ►
TEAM Model Smarter Education Design Concept & Solution
Singapore’s EdTech Masterplan 2030 & four components of MOE’s Digital Literacy Framework