Cloud-based Data Storage
Optimization of teaching convenience
TEAM Model Cloud's data storage service mainly provides cloud storage space and data computing services for courses and teaching portfolios. The services that will be applied are mainly divided into two categories: IES 5 Smarter Teaching Service and Sokrates Exclusive Lesson Examples Channel for teacher professional development, i.e. teaching applications and pedagogical review (teaching research) applications. When you are running low on storage space for your teaching applications on the TEAM Model Cloud, you can purchase additional space for data storage service to expand your service. Cloud-based Data Storage
Optimization of teaching convenience
TEAM Model Cloud's data storage service mainly provides cloud storage space and data computing services for courses and teaching portfolios. The services that will be applied are mainly divided into two categories: IES 5 Smarter Teaching Service and Sokrates Exclusive Lesson Examples Channel for teacher professional development, i.e. teaching applications and pedagogical review (teaching research) applications. When you are running low on storage space for your teaching applications on the TEAM Model Cloud, you can purchase additional space for data storage service to expand your service. Cloud Computing and Storage Service for
Teaching Big Data
At the teaching application level, the items that use the data storage service space include various file types such as pictures, videos, and various types of courseware in the courses, question banks, test papers, and teaching material databases, as well as teaching portfolios and E-Notes from HiTeach.
As for the application of data storage service in pedagogical research, on the exclusive lesson example channel, the Sokrates Video and Lesson Observation data uploaded by TEAM Model AI Lecture Observation Lounge, as well as the subsequently attached teaching materials, lesson plans, E-Notes, and other lesson resources will use the data storage service space.Sokrates Videos, reports, teaching materials, lesson plans, etc., as well as teaching behavioral data and expert feedbacks are all important cloud computing services
Besides the storage of teaching materials and other files, the data storage service of the TEAM Model Cloud mainly provides the teaching-oriented database management function of cloud courses and question banks, as well as the statistical analysis function after the generation of classroom portfolios. They are not simply storage space functions, which is the biggest difference with general cloud storage services.

School organizations or individual teachers can both purchase data storage service space. Depending on the identity, there are two types of data storage services: personal data storage service space (Personal Space) and school data storage service space (School Space). Once the teachers sign up for a TEAM Model account and apply to join their school or organization, they will receive 1G of personal space for free, giving them immediate cloud access to their teaching materials, question bank and test papers, and multimedia files for use in class.
If you are short of personal space, you can purchase additional space with your personal account. School space is centrally purchased and managed by the school administration department, and can be used for school-level school course data, school question bank, school syllabus, school teaching material resources, and other resources that can be freely accessed by teachers throughout the school. In addition, the Sokrates Videos generated by the TEAM Model AI Lecture Observation Lounge and the traditional teaching videos uploaded to the school's exclusive lesson examples channel will also use the school space. School space can also be distributed to designated teachers to increase their personal space, allowing teachers with greater space needs to have access to more resources to help them with their teaching work.
You can also download HiTeach 928 for highly interactive cooperative learning instruction. You are welcome to apply and use. Register Now►TEAM Model account Download Now►HiTeach 928