News & Cases

Global News in Smarter Education

2018 Global Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Summit Came to a Successful Conclusion

Big Data and AI Technology in Education-
2018 Global Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Summit Came to a Successful Conclusion


Accelerating Teachers’ Professional Development-
2018 Global TEAM Model Smarter Lecture Contest

The  2018 Global TEAM Model Smarter Lecture Contest was held on November 15. As the first large-scaled TEAM Model Smarter Lecture Contest held in Taiwan, education leaders from more than 10 countries and regions (mainland China, Bulgaria, Middle East, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong) were invited to discuss and exchange the future development and latest trends of education. Through the five development stages and cycles of team cooperation, team training, team contest, team reflection as well as team development and application, not only can the professional development of teachers be accelerated, but also the cooperative culture of professional development of teacher teams can be developed, thereby converting into the key force to build AI schools and AI school districts. 
The highlight event “2018 Global Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Summit“ was held at Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei on November 16th. This year, the Summit was themed Big Data and AI Technology in Education, more than 200 principals, leaders, experts and scholars discussed the development of AI education through keynote speeches, workshop exchanges and dialogues. 

The Forum focused on AI education, Big Data and other innovative technological supports to share the practical application of science and technology in teaching field, including the keynote speech, “The Big Data of Ten Thousand Classes can act as the Force to Change the face of Education”, addressed by Power Wu, Dean of Global TEAM Model SMART Education Institute, Lesson discussion by 200 People, “Research on Teaching Behavior Data Analysis with Application of MAXQDA“, The Literacy-based Smarter Language Workshop brought by Professor Hsu Yu-Chien, as well as the successful sharing experience by AI schools and teachers around the world.


Glory of the Teachers- 
2018 Global Smarter Teachers Award Ceremony & Gala Night

In order to encourage the innovation of smarter educational teaching model, the “Innovative Smarter Lecture Award” and “Technology Leadership Excellence Award” were held by TTLITDA annually, presidents and teachers of advocating and implementing innovative teaching model were selected from hundreds of entries, presented with the highest affirmation and praise; as for the 1st Global TEAM Model Smarter Lecture Contest, winning teams were also grandly introduced for setting a good example for education.

“The Summit, which has been held for seven consecutive years, probes into the future and practice of education as well as how to apply science and technology to teaching, and how to create new teaching thinking and models to generate creative sparks on this platform of global experts,” said Professor I Hua Chang, President of TTLITDA.

Under the trend of education foresight, teaching reforms are being actively implemented all over the world. The enthusiasm for smarter education will become even greater. This is the gala of global AI education, we will see you next year!