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Global News in Smarter Education

Supporting enthusiastic teachers with the AI Coach-assisted Enhancement Plan of the "Smarter Education Movement" series

Passion, Enthusiasm, and Dedication

The Smarter Education Movement Series

The AI coach-assisted teaching enhancement plan to support enthusiastic teachers is one of the series of programs of the "Smarter Education Movement" Public Welfare Program. It was launched in 2015 by Global TEAM Model Education Research Institute and Taiwan Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Development Association (TTLITDA), to accelerate the development of more smart teachers and create more future talents. It has been well received in the education field and was awarded the honor of "Top 100 Choice of Innovative Education" of CommonWealth Parenting in Taiwan.

Supporting enthusiastic teachers with the AI Coach-assisted Enhancement Plan of the "Smarter Education Movement" series
This program supports teachers to use HiTeach 5 (pro. authorization) for FREE during self-directed learning. Teachers will be assisted by AI Sokrates, which can provide real-time feedback on classroom teaching behavior data, including T (Data) and T (Green Light), to help teachers to become familiar with technology interactions and pedagogical applications. It is hoped that this program can promote teacher professional development and accelerate the realization of digital transformation and model learning of all educators.

► HiTeach 5 is the world's first smarter classroom teaching software equipped with dual AI engines: AI Text Analysis and AI Sokrates Summary Notice. The former helps teachers quickly process the large number of words, phrases, and sentences from the students simultaneously. It is the teacher's lesson Q & A smart helper. The latter, at the end of lessons, provides immediate feedback on the technology interaction index and frequency analysis. It is a personal coach to help teachers get familiar with HiTeach 5. Click here to learn more about HiTeach.

The main project of this program is Plan 1: HiTeach 333 Self-enhancement Plan. In addition, Teacher Personal Subscription Version is also extended to teachers, as well as special project versions to support Seed Teachers and Master Teachers, combining more strengths to promote the technology to truly help more teachers and achieve the success of each and every child.

Supporting enthusiastic teachers with the AI Coach-assisted Enhancement Plan of the "Smarter Education Movement" series

Dear Passionate Teachers, we welcome you to participate!

AI coach-assisted Enhancement Plan 1: HiTeach 333 Self-enhancement Plan

AI coach-assisted Enhancement Plan 2
After implementing the AI ​​coach-assisted enhancement plan, if a teacher wants to continue to use HiTeach 5, and the school the teacher serves has not yet had a plan to purchase HiTeach, the teacher can choose to subscribe the HiTeach Teacher Personal Subscription Version at a discount price. In this way, you can have the latest teaching technology independently, and it is easier to practice modern educational concepts such as student-centered, cooperative learning, data decision-making, and differentiation in the classroom!

In addition, enthusiastic teachers can also participate in the Seed Teacher and Master Teacher training courses held by the Global TEAM Model Education Research Institute to become certified seed teachers or expert lecturers and can obtain free authorization to use HiTeach 5.