The "2020 9th Technology Leadership Excellence Award and Innovative Smarter Lecture Award" selection event organized by the "Taiwan Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Development Association" begins!
This event gathers authoritative scholars and experts in the education industry to form a selection committee to choose excellent works and outstanding leaders from numerous participants. Since 2012, thousands of role models for Smarter Teachers and school leaders have been selected. Many innovative Smarter Models have been inspired, and more schools have been encouraged to develop Smarter Education, further realizing the ideal of "student-centered" in Smarter Education.
2020 marks the beginning of the ninth selection event. To spread the concept of Smarter Education and enhance its development, we sincerely welcome exceptional teachers or teaching teams from public and private teaching institutions at all levels to participate in this event.
►Click to enter the registration page ►Event Introduction and Registration ►Event Features ►Featured Lesson Example and Leadership ►Previous winners

Event Introduction and Registration
To promote research in innovative pedagogy in Smarter Classroom and develop Smarter Lecture based on team-based learning, the "Taiwan Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Development Association" holds the "Innovative Smarter Lecture Award" selection event to encourage teachers to develop innovative teaching models of Smarter Classroom that can be spread and duplicated. Through the deep integration of teaching and Smarter Classroom, this award aims at practicing the ideal of "student-centered" in Smarter Education.

Knowing from the experience of developing Smarter School, a visionary leader with effective teaching technology strategies can lead a school to create an effective teaching environment, guide teachers in developing Smarter Lectures, achieve self-directed learning of students, and develop unique features of a school. Therefore, the "Taiwan Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Development Association" organizes the "Technology Leadership Excellence Award" selection event to honor exemplary school principals in technology leadership, spread their leading experience, and increase educational competitiveness. Purpose- Honor excellent educators and promote the effective application of teaching technology.
- Encourage teachers to refine innovative teaching models of Smarter Classroom that can be duplicated and effective teaching behavioral data characteristics.
- Encourage teachers to develop innovative teaching models of Smarter Classroom that are designed based on team-based learning, assignment, inquiry, and self-directed learning.
Organizer Schedule - Registration Period: March 9, 2020 - May 22, 2020
- Upload Period: April 6, 2020 - June 28, 2020
- Qualification Review: June 29, 2020 - July 13, 2020
- Award Winner Announcement: mid-July
- Global Smarter Teachers' Gala Night (Awards ceremony): November 2020

Event Features
Gather education experts from around the world
The Technology Leadership Excellence Award and Innovative Smarter Lecture Award were born to promote and spread Smarter Education. Entering the ninth event since its launch in 2012, it is a grand event of teaching technology, having more than 100 Smarter Teachers and school principals participate every year. The selected teachers and principals are educators from all over the world that have made great contributions to Smarter Education.
A Grand Event of Smarter Education-"Global Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Summit"
To encourage exemplary principals and Smarter Teachers, the annual "Innovative Smarter Lecture Award" and "Technology Leadership Excellence Award" will be awarded at the "Global Smarter Teachers' Gala Night" of "Global Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Summit", giving the awardees the highest affirmation and praise. Winning groups also have the opportunity to be invited to participate in the "Global TEAM Model Smarter Lecture Contest" to compete with global experts.
Award photos of " Global Smarter Teachers' Gala Night "
Selected Models of Smarter Education
Winning entries of the "Innovative Smarter Lecture Award" may be included in the Sokrates Channel-"Innovative Smarter Lecture Award". Outstanding leaders and Smarter Teachers have the opportunity to have their achievement and innovative teaching models included in the yearbook, "2020 The Way to Smarter Education", as role models for global Smarter Teachers. They also have opportunities to be invited to give Smarter Education lectures around the world and participate in teacher professional development training.

►Click to see more examples of Innovative Smarter Lecture Award 
Selected winning lessons and leaders
Previous winners
Since the launch of the "Technology Leadership Excellence Award and Innovative Smarter Lecture Award" in 2012, thousands of Smarter Teachers and school leaders have been selected. They will be listed in the honor list of the "Taiwan Technology Leadership and Instructional Technology Development Association", becoming honorable models of Smarter Education development.
Technology Leadership Excellence Award Click to view►2012 ►2013 ►2014 ►2015 ►2016 ►2017 ►2018 ►2019