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IES Personal Syllabus and School Syllabus Usage Instructions

A structured syllabus catalog, a more efficient co-preparation platform, and more convenient access to teaching materials and test papers!

One person contributes, the whole school benefits

Syllabus Catalog: Easy Access to Online Resources

Lesson preparation is one of the main parts of every teacher's daily work. If lesson planning resources can be cloud-based, teachers can unify teaching materials and test/exam papers in a structured and systematic way, which will make them more convenient to access and use.

The full name of the TEAM Model Cloud IES Syllabus is the Structured Syllabus Catalog, which provides a platform for users to jointly arrange course materials and test papers in a structured and sequential manner, including "Personal Syllabus" for individual teachers and "School Syllabus" for school teachers to co-use. It helps school teachers to prepare lessons in the cloud and arrange teaching materials (PowerPoint, HTEX, PDF, images, videos, web hyperlinks, etc.) and test papers (questions) into the syllabus.

Personal Syllabus is a feature that IES provides to all teachers for free, while the School Syllabus is a feature that is managed and provided by the school after the school purchases the IES Smarter School Management Service (i.e., the TEAM Model Smarter Learning and Assessment Management Platform). 

When using HiTeach for smarter teaching in the classroom, HiTeach's Teaching Resource Area displays the syllabus resources from the IES 5 platform, with a tree-like display of Personal and School Syllabus. The teaching materials can be saved, imported, opened, or tested according to the teaching scenario, making it more convenient to access prepared materials.

HiTeach 5 supports IES Syllabus's materials and question banks

Can be imported or start testing directly

Details of the use of the Personal Syllabus and the School Syllabus are as follows:

Personal Syllabus Operation Instructions (Share Personal Syllabus & Save the syllabus shared by others)
School Syllabus Operation Instructions (School Syllabus Management Authorization Setting & Book Co-editing Authorization & Chapter Co-editing Authorization)


Personal Syllabus Operation Instructions
The IES platform's syllabus catalog is organized into books and chapters, and each chapter can be divided into three levels, making it easy to arrange content resources according to units. To create a personal syllabus, the following is the procedure:

Step 1: Log in to IES, click on Personal Resource - Syllabus, click on of the Book List, enter the book name, and click Confirm.

Step 2: Click on the + of the Syllabus Outline, enter the chapter name, and click Confirm.
Step 3: Move your mouse over the newly created chapter, and the function icon will appear. Click the +, enter the node name (unit/subdirectory/level name), and click Confirm.

Step 4: Click on the newly created node/unit name, click Add Resource, choose +Local File, click on the upload local files window, select the file you want to upload (for this example, you can upload the corresponding teaching PPT file and the unit learning sheet), click Open, and then click Confirm Upload.

When the file upload is complete, it will be displayed in the Related Resources area. If you have already created test questions and exam files resource on IES (for more information, please refer to HiTeach5Novice Teaching_IES Cloud-based Exam Files & Diversified Assessment in HiTeach 5 Getting Started), and you want to assign quizzes for this unit, click Add Resource, choose +Exam File, select the exam file you want to attach, and click Confirm.

In addition, if you have hyperlinked resources, such as supplemental YouTube videos, you can click +Hyperlink to create hyperlinked information.

In this example, the unit is prepared with a PowerPoint file for teaching, a study sheet file, an exam file for testing, and additional hyperlinked resources.
Using the same method, you can add other units/nodes and related resources.
In this way, a systematic, structured, unit-based syllabus catalog can be constructed, along with all the related teaching resources.
• Add content resources on the IES platform
In the aforementioned Step 4 operation of adding related resources, you can also select resources that have already been saved on IES in addition to the resources of local files (your PC files). These resources are files, images, multimedia content, etc. that have been previously uploaded to IES Personal Resource Teaching Material, and are introduced as follows:

Step 1: Select Personal Resource Teaching Material and click Upload Resources.

Step 2: Click on the upload local files window, select the file you want to upload, and click Open.

Step 3: Click Confirm Upload and the files will be uploaded to IES.

These resources that already exist on IES can be added directly when creating a syllabus catalog by selecting +Material in Add Resource.

• Share Personal Syllabus 
You can share your syllabus with other teachers. To share, choose the syllabus you want to share and click on the share icon.

You can choose to share the whole book or some of the chapters. Enter the cell phone number, email address, or TEAM Model user ID of the teacher you want to share with, and then click Confirm Sharing.

Another way of sharing is to click on the QR code icon, and after the QR code icon appears, teachers being shared can scan the icon with their HiTA app installed on their smartphones to access the syllabus.
In addition, you can also copy the invitation link and send it to the teachers you want to share with through messaging software, Email, etc., so that they can click on it to get the shared syllabus.

After the teacher has obtained the shared syllabus, he/she can log in to his/her IES and select Syllabus shared by others in Personal Syllabus to see the contents of the shared syllabus.

• Save the syllabus shared by others
You can save the shared syllabus to your own personal syllabus for integration and editing. Click on the save icon, select the chapter you want to save, choose to add it to your existing book or add a new book independently, and then click Confirm Saving.

You can also delete syllabus shared by others by clicking on the delete icon of the syllabus you want to delete.

School Syllabus Operation Instructions
School Syllabus is an IES school-level application for schools or organizations that have purchased the IES 5 Smarter School Management Service (also known as the TEAM Model Smarter Learning and Assessment Management Platform). Once a school has created a school syllabus, it can be viewed and accessed by all teachers in the IES school.

All school members can view and access the school syllabus

• School Syllabus Management Authorization Setting
How does an IES school member obtain management and editing authorization for school syllabus? The management function of the school syllabus, including adding, editing, deleting, and setting up participating co-teachers, and teachers must be assigned by the IES system administrator to have school syllabus management authorization. These teachers are usually school administrators, academic administrators, community leaders, etc. The school's IES system administrator can click on School Management - Teacher, then click on the setting icon of the selected teacher accounts to set administrative authorization, and turn on Manage School Syllabus Information.

• Book Co-editing Authorization
Teachers with school syllabus management authorization can add, modify, and delete syllabus, as well as edit syllabus resources in the same way as described above for personal syllabus. Once the school syllabus has been created, the syllabus manager can set up the syllabus co-editing function and invite the teachers involved in editing the syllabus to work together to complete the syllabus chapters and resources. To invite co-editors to a book, click on the edit icon, and select the teachers you want to invite to co-edit in the Authorized Teacher field, and then click Confirm.

When the invited co-editor logs in to IES, he/she can add, edit, delete, and add resources to all chapters.

• Chapter Co-editing Authorization
In addition to co-editing the entire book, IES also allows you to set up co-editing by chapter, so that team members can more clearly divide the work for their respective chapters and perform operations such as adding new nodes/units, editing, deleting, and adding resources for the chapters they can co-edit. For teachers with school syllabus management authorization, click on the co-editing setting icon for the chapter to be shared, and turn on Confirm Co-editing for the teachers to allow them to co-edit. When all settings are complete, close the window.

When the invited co-editor logs in to IES, no editing features will appear for chapters that are not set to be co-edited, while editing features will appear for chapters that are set to be co-edited, as well as  Add Resource.    

Some chapters can be co-edited