News & Cases

Global News in Smarter Education

Singapore Hua Yi Secondary School officially joined the "TEAM Model AI Smarter School"


On May 10th, 2019, Singapore Hua Yi Secondary School officially joined the "TEAM Model AI Smarter School", and invited the President of "Global TEAM Model Education Research Institute" POWER WU to attend the awarding ceremony and give a speech on smart lectures and teacher professional development. In addition, teacher Lu Jiahua from Da You Junior High School, Taoyuan City, conducted a Distance Smarter Class with Hua Yi to promote the wisdom exchange between the two schools!

Through the TEAM Model Distance Smarter Classroom, not only can you instantly transfer audio and video, simultaneously push textbooks and receive data, and interact with each other as though in the same classroom.

Chen Jiaxiang, the Principal of Da You Junior High School, said: "Remote teaching can open up the horizons of children." The jointed  distance class with Hua Yi Secondary School is only the beginning. In the future, more jointed distance classes will be held with schools in China and Japan. I am also grateful for such wisdom and technology, so that the smarter classes can spread cross-border and exchanges knowledge with students thousands of kilometers away.