~Teacher Portal - Advance Deployment of TEAM Model Self-Directed Learning, 3-Step Lesson Preparation~
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The coronavirus isn’t showing any sign of stopping. Pre-deploy with TEAM Model Self-directed Learning, prepare a second string to your bow.
TEAM Model’s cloud service, the IES Smarter Teaching Service, is an online learning management platform that can be used to set up self-learning courses at home. The school prepares syllabus materials for all subjects on the IES and distribute them to the students, allowing students to do self-learning at home.
Teachers collaboratively prepare syllabus (including resources, assignments, exams) and distribute them for students to do online self-learning at home. The following images(A-F) will show the operating of 3-Step Lesson Preparation.
The demonstration is as below:
Teacher Portal: Self-Directed Learning: 3-Step Lesson Preparation
Step 1: Create a course
。Login IES Smarter Teaching Service
1. Go to IES Use HiTA Teaching Assistant App to scan to login
。The 3 methods to setup classes and courses
2. Choose method 1 to 3 to create classes and courses
Step 1:Create a course
Step 2: Publish syllabus for self-directed learning
。Syllabus content editing page
1. Edit resource
2. Edit assessment
3. Edit teaching material
4. Resource: Videos, links, PDF and more
5. Assessment: Online exam
6. Assessment: Short question
7. Assessment: Assignment
8. Teaching material: For interactive course in HiTeach
Step 2: Publish syllabus for self-directed learning
。 Publish the syllabus and lessons
1. Publish syllabus for self-directed learning
2. Choose the syllabus
3. Click to publish lessons
4. Choose the lessons
Publish syllabus for self-directed learning
Step 3:Monitoring learning progress and assignment review
。Overview of learning progress of the lesson
1. Progress overview of self-directed learning
2. Student learning status of self-directed learning
3. Forum of self-directed learning
Overview of learning progress of the lesson
。Reviewing the assessment and assignment submitted
1. See student learning status
2. See self-learning detail
3. Choose a lesson
4. View uploaded assignment of students(can click to download all)
5. View outcome data of online exam
(Skilled: 3 stars, average: 2 stars, needs to be strengthened : 1 star)
6. View student answers of short question
7. Online exam analysis
Step 3:Monitoring learning progress and assignment review
After understanding the 3-Step Lesson Preparation, learn how the students can do self-learning
(Please read: ~Student Portal - Advance Deployment of TEAM Model Self-Directed Learning, Students New Experience in Self-learning~)
TEAM Model Self-directed Learning is both efficient and effective, including advantages like:
1. Sharing: The whole school collaboratively prepare syllabus materials
2. Data: Learning progress data analysis
3. Management: Automatic diagnostic and remediation
4. Replicable: Multiple uses of courses system
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