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Global News in Smarter Education

More than 1,000 viewers watching online! Philippine Teacher Professional Development Achievement Showcase!


More than 1,000 viewers watching online!

Successful Philippine Teacher Professional Development Achievement Sharing Session!

COVID-19 has affected schools and students around the world. With the belief that there is no border for education, HABOOK Group cooperated with the Department of Education, School Division of Batangas in the Philippines to help establish TEAM Model AI Lecture Observation Lounge (LOL) in 10 schools and provide HiTeach Mobile Smarter Teaching System to help teachers to do online teaching. This education public welfare inputs more than USD 320,000, and regularly invites education experts to share their experience and wisdom of online interactive teaching, and explore the models and patterns of AI smarter pedagogical review.

This online showcase was held on 5th & 6th November, with guests including Jocelyn D.R. Andaya, Director IV of the Bureau of Curriculum Development, Department of Education, Philippines; Nadine C. Celondro, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Batangas Province; Dr. Aser B. Javier, Freelance Governance Consultant, DepEd Partnership Consultant; and Wilma C. Manio, Ed.D, Principal IV, Maligaya Elementary School, Quezon City, along with other officials, experts, teachers, and more than a thousand educators participated in this online event, breaking new ground for smarter education in the Philippines.
With the students unable to go to school, teachers of Cupang Elementary School and Bayorbor National High School (two of the first schools in the Philippines to use the HiTeach Smarter Teaching System) have broken the traditional online teaching model, and make online teaching more interactive and data-driven.

The Online Teaching Model closest to In-class Teaching

Live Teaching Demonstration
Kimverly U. Abu, Cupang Elementary School, Batangas, Philippines

Live Teaching Demonstration
Geraldine O. Moreto, Bayorbor National High School, Batangas, Philippines

Complete reservations of Lesson Videos
(Including teaching materials, E-Notes, report, and feedbacks given by observing experts)

Automatically organize lesson videos, expert comments, teaching records, AI index analysis. Using AI Sokrates Videos to help teacher professional development and retain lesson videos.

Log in to the Sokrates Channel to see Sokrates Videos, TPC plans, Sokrates Reports, and E-Notes

Log in to the Sokrates Channel to see Sokrates Videos, TPC plans, Sokrates Reports, and E-Notes

Global Smarter Education Experts Connect to Give Lesson Observation Feedbacks Synchronously Online & Cross-Country

After the lesson, global smarter education experts use the AI Sokrates Video to give real-time feedback, helping teacher professional development, and fliping teaching.

Besides technological innovation in teaching, 10 seed teachers have rapidly transformed into smarter teachers and produce classic Sokrates lesson videos with the help of TEAM Model AI Lecture Observation Lounge (LOL), expert consultants, and AI Coach. Both schools are more mature as AI smarter schools, building a complete smarter teaching syllabus system, and laying an excellent foundation to promote the power of smarter education in the Philippines.

Prof. POWER-Wu, Founder of HABOOK Group, attended the event from afar in Taipei.

Ramil G. Ginete, Senior Education Program Specialist, presents plaque to demonstration teaching teachers. 
Prof. POWER-Wu, Founder of HABOOK Group, presents award to smarter teachers.

Since the launch of the project in July, in just a few months, the teachers from Cupang Elementary School and Bayorbor National High School all agree that: "It is an incredible journey of smarter education!”
Thanks to the enthusiasm of the teachers in the Philippines, which always warm our hearts in Taiwan.

TEAM Model is never just about teachers using technology. Whether online or offline, it is about using technology to help teachers and schools to achieve their goals of helping every child.

In the future, TEAM Model will continue moving forward to help promote smarter education in the Philippines. Our footsteps will never stop! Power!

Participating guests

Jocelyn D.R. Andaya
Director IV, Bureau of Curriculum Development, Department of Education – Philippines

Nadine C. Celindro
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Dr. Aser B. Javier
Freelance Governance Consultant
DepEd Partnership Consultant

Wilma C. Manio, Ed.D
Principal IV, Maligaya Elementary School, Quezon City

Dr. Julius A . Villavicencio
Professor Rizal College of Taal

Gladycel C. Aquino
School Head, First Industrial Science and Technology School

Crystal Ong Chi Yen
Subject Head of Infocomm Technology, Hua Yi Secondary School, Singapore

Ling-Yun Chang
Bilingual Smarter Teacher, Nangang Elementary School, Taiwan
Teacher Ambassador Global Team Model Education Research Institute

Rundolph R. Abanto 
Principal, Cupang Elementary School

Oliver R. Guevarra
Head Teacher I/ Office-In-Charge, Bayorbor National High School

More about 

Smarter Pedagogical Review

Live broadcast Replay

5 November 2020 (THU) 0900 - 1100
Primary 6 English Lesson by
Mdm Kimverly (Cupang Elementary School, Batangas, Philippines)

6 November 2020 (FRI) 1000 - 1200
Grade 8 (Secondary 2) : Technology & Livelihood Education by:
Mdm Geraldine (Bayorbor National High School, Batangas, Philippines)

Project Achievement Award Ceremony