One small step for TEAM Model
One giant leap for smarter lessons!
HiTeach 5 presents four strategic tools for Smarter Classroom, which we termed as the 4As of Effective Engagement: Allocation, Activity, Assignment, and Assessment. Our many years of research in AI Sokrates data analysis proves that with the appropriate combination of these tools, teachers will be able to achieve highly engaging and inspiring teaching effect.

Synchronous Interaction (Synchronized Activity):
Students are focused and teachers track learning status precisely
Can you believe it? You can ask student questions in class at any time without preparation in advance, and keep track of student learning status and statistics in real-time! With the new synchronous interaction features of HiTeach 5, you can perform synchronous feedback, real-time statistics, data utilization, and other high-performance synchronous interaction modes anytime and anywhere to fully track the learning status of each student online/on-site.
The synchronous interaction function that can be used by combining HiTeach 5 and Web IRS 5 is powerful, including single answer question, multiple answers question, true-false question, cloze question, and Buzz-in. These are the teaching questioning strategies that teachers are familiar with in the classroom. By pressing the function button, students can answer with Web IRS, and HiTeach will automatically collect data from the entire class. When the teachers press the statistic buttons, various feedback data and charts are presented, which can then be used for further discussion or follow-up questions.

1. Single Answer Question

2. Multiple Answers Question

3. True-False Question

4. Cloze Question

5. Buzz-in Interaction

Synchronous Task (Synchronized Assignment):
Multi-interaction type
With Synchronous Task, synchronous audio, video, and data transmission technologies can be used to support the data interaction required in the classroom to enhance the quality and performance of the classroom. In addition, during the pandemic, it is also very suitable for synchronous lessons (also known as online synchronous learning, which are teaching activities in a video conferencing environment), which have a wide range of applications.
⦁ What is Synchronous Task? Synchronous Task is a new function that combines HiTeach 5 and Web IRS 5. Teacher's task content (e.g. presentation, questions, or multimedia content) will be automatically displayed on the student's Web IRS. As the students are doing their works/tasks, HiTeach's work collection window
provides an overview of each group or student's progress, sorted by chronological order, seat number, or grouping. Teachers can select them to do activities such as observation, comparison, mutual evaluation, praise, annotation, explanation, or sharing.
⦁ Task History Browsing Teachers can turn on or off the submission switch for each task according to the task's need in HiTeach. For tasks that are not yet closed, students can use the task history browsing function to view their task/work history. They can also submit other work to update their work.
⦁ Multiple Task Types When the teacher starts a synchronous task, he/she can choose the type of work to be submitted, including
drawing/pictures, real-time audio recording, text, or multimedia files (PPT, Excel, video...), fully supporting learning and practice activities in synchronous lessons.

1. Work Collection: Drawing or Pictures

2. Work Collection: Real-Time Audio Recording

3. Work Collection: Multimedia Files (PPT, Excel, video...)

Synchronous Test (Synchronized Assessment):
Effective analysis ⦁ Double the effect
Tests are great ways to summarize the learning results and to know the strengths and weaknesses. Before, paper tests are used mainly, but the process was complicated and time-consuming. Now, after teachers design test questions on IES Cloud, they can use them with HiTeach's SelfPace Test mode function, and students can answer through Web IRS. After the test, visual grade results will be displayed immediately, allowing teachers to do interactive reviews in real-time. Also, these data will be simultaneously uploaded to the cloud, which is extremely helpful for teachers to track student learning situations and for students to do remedial learning on their own.
Synchronous testing and quick automatic correction

When starting SelfPace Test mode, teachers will select an exam file and students can start answering the questions and control their own progress. During the process of answering, the progress of each student's answer will be displayed on the HiTeach. When the teacher ends the test,
HiTeach will automatically correct and calculate the score of each question (including single answer, multiple answers, true-false, cloze, and question set questions) and the total scores, and immediately display the correct rate of each question, the student total score, the grade analysis graph, and the test data for each question required for interactive review.
Interactive Review: Enhanced absorption
After the test is finished, the test results are immediately displayed, including the correct percentage, distribution charts, and score tables, as well as an interactive page for each question, which includes the test question, answering data, pie charts, and bar charts. Teachers can browse through the statistics and test difficulty to
select the questions needed to be reviewed and do interactive review by using functions like SMART Pick-out, Flip Cards, or do differentiated teaching by sending different materials to students based on their learning status. This is a very efficient way to review tests. 
Display each student's score

Show the correct rate of each question. Green: 70% or more, yellow: 50% or more, and red: 50% or less.

Score Distribution and Key Concept Radar Graph
Learning status analysis ⦁ Teaching students according to their aptitude

HiTeach will automatically upload all test data to the Team Model Cloud after the tests are completed, and the assessment data support the
PLAYTOL Dynamic Assessment Analytics (an optional feature of the Team Model Cloud), allowing teachers to access
test question analysis, score analysis, diagnostic analysis, and remediation planning. Teachers can fully grasp the data and charts that are useful for understanding learning status analysis by each subject, all subjects, school year, and each test.