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Digital Lesson Observation series 5: Lesson Observation Focus Category

Lesson Observation Focus Category

⦁ During digital lesson observation, experts or teacher teams can use Sokrates Lecture Observation app to record observation data. They can mark key time points, and record their observations in text, photos, audio, and video with smartphones, tablets, or PCs.
⦁ Sokrates Lecture Observation app has a variety of built-in focus categories, including Team-based Learning, Student Behavior, Cognitive Taxonomy, Learning Community, Learning Community: Learning Atmosphere, Learning Community: Motivation and Process, Learning Community: Learning Outcomes, etc. In addition, school districts or schools can also define their own government-level or school-based focus categories, or can be customized by experts or teachers.

When conducting public lectures or teaching observations, if an appropriate Lesson Observation Focus Category is set, it will focus on the perspective of the teacher team to collect more helpful and focused professional feedback.

The following are introductions to the built-in Focus Category on the Sokrates Lecture Observation app:

1. Lesson Observation Focus Category: Smarter Classroom

There are five items for the focus category of Smarter Classroom, items 1 and 2 are positive marks, items 3 and 4 are negative marks, and item 5 is a general mark. The marker information opinion curve will be displayed in Sokrates Video. The positive marker curve is green, and the negative marker curve is blue.

2. Lesson Observation Focus Category: Team-based Learning

The focus category of Team-based Learning can be used to observe the in-depth integration of TEAM Model TBL Smarter Classroom. It includes the seven key mechanisms of the TBL Team-based Learning model.

3. Lesson Observation Focus Category: Student Behavior

The Student Behavior focus category observes and records students' common behavioral reactions in class.

4. Lesson Observation Focus Category: Cognitive Taxonomy

The Cognitive Taxonomy focus category can be used to describe and observe the knowledge content of students' learning. The focus of observation is the new version of Bloom's taxonomy of educational goals in the cognitive domain.

5. Lesson Observation Focus Category: Learning Community

The focus category of Learning Community can be used to observe the various performances of the three learning elements of inquiry, cooperation, and expression in the classroom using the Learning Community teaching model.

6. Lesson Observation Focus Category:
Learning Community - Learning Atmosphere

The focus category of Learning Community - Learning Atmosphere can be used to observe how teachers manage a classroom with a positive learning atmosphere in a lesson of Learning Community, so that students can be enthusiastic about learning.

7. Lesson Observation Focus Category:
Learning Community - Motivation and Process

Learning Community: Motivation and Process focus category can be used to observe the various processes of teacher and student interaction in student-centered learning activities in the classroom of the Learning Community.

8. Lesson Observation Focus Category:
Learning Community - Learning Outcomes

Learning Community: Learning Outcomes focus category can be used to observe the summative learning results of students in the classroom that incorporates the spirit of the Learning Community.

* In addition TEAM Model account with administrator authorization for an exclusive channel (digital lesson observation platform) can create the school's own focus categories.

When conducting public lectures or teaching observations, if an appropriate Lesson Observation Focus Category is set, it will focus on the perspective of the teacher team to collect more helpful and focused professional feedback.

# Repetitive and reproducible things are done by the machine
# Personalized hard-to-copy things are handed over to experts

For more related information, please refer to:

Digital Lesson Observation series: Pedagogical Review of AI Sokrates
Digital Lesson Observation series: Sokrates Video
Digital Lesson Observation series: Sokrates Report
Digital Lesson Observation series: Lesson Observation Form
Introduction to AI Sokrates Lesson Data Quality Evaluation Report
9 Q&A you must know about Sokrates Digital Lesson Observation
Sokrates Teaching Analytics System (STAS): An Automatic Teaching Behavior Analysis System

For solutions of Digital Lesson Observation, please refer to:

Digital Lesson Observation General Plan
AI Digital Lesson Observation Starter Plan
Digital Lesson Observation AI Camera Plan
AI Digital Lesson Observation Ultimate Plan