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Share the key video of the online distance teaching application of HiTeah 5 from a teacher in the Philippines

Online distance learning with HiTeah 5

Thank you very much and be glad to see the creation and sharing of teacher Geraldine Odiano Moreto from the Philippines about HiTeach 5 Introductory video of key functions!
Many schools in Batangas and other regions in the Philippines have adopted online teaching during the 2020 epidemic until now. The TEAM Model Smarter Education Supporting System is honored to be able to truly help school teachers during this period.
From the original HiTeach 3 version to the latest version of HiTeach 5, you can see the moving points in the video introduction, and also understand the key functions of online distance learning that are worthy of attention, so as to satisfy the interactive learning experience.

Online distance learning with HiTeah 5
►Go to the original facebook post to watch the video

For more Geraldine Odiano Moreto's videos, please refer to her YouTube channel:

TLE-5S in Housekeeping | Virtual Class

Highlights of the results presentation: Araling Panlipunan 7 Demo Teaching-Behind the Scenes