Global TEAM Model Education Research Institute proudly Presents HiTeach 5 International Pioneer User Challenge (Phase 1)
⊗ Prof Power Wu and TEAM HABOOK present to the International Smarter Education Community : The 4As of Effective Engagement Lesson Design.
⊗ Allocation of learning resources plays an important role to facilitate thinking and interaction of learners
⊗ Teachers throwing THINKING RESOURCES to spark-off critical thinking among learners.
⊗ Allocation of LEARNING RESOURCES like worksheets to facilitate learners engagement.
⊗ Activities are strategic engagement tools where teachers can manipulate to capture involvement and collaboration among learners.
⊗ A simple quiz question may help teachers to identify learning gaps among learners and implement progressive assessment for learning approaches to promote progressive learning gains.
⊗ Activities also facilitate Critical Thinking and Response Presentation.
⊗ Buzz-In activity has always been very successful in motivating classroom participation.
⊗ Assignments are student-centric tasks that provides opportunities for every individual to participate as well as promoting collaborative learning.
⊗ Simple task assignment could give rise to differentiated concept presentation even though the submission looks similar.
⊗ LATEST FEATURE where learners could even submit VOICE RECORDING as their submission. An effective tools especially for Language teaching.
⊗ Differentiated teaching strategies could be easily implemented by a strategic combination of ACTIVITY & ASSIGNMENT.
⊗ Using ACTIVITY to engage learners to find out their thinking and preferences.
⊗ By assigning Differentiated Assignment tasks, learners could benefit from peer exchange and collaborative discussion.
⊗ Challenging task that give rise to varied answers could be easily analysed and allow teachers to identify learning gaps.
⊗ Sharing of learners' work presentations allow teachers to effectively identify the errors and share the solution effectively.
⊗ Assessment comes in multiple form: "During Lesson", "End of Lesson" as well as Pre or Post Lesson Self-Directed Assessment.
⊗ A very simple way to convert all existing text assessment papers into individual digital question bank in IES, that allows teachers to "PICK" & "CREATE" Assessment of different combination.
⊗ Syncronised Self-Paced assessment module allow teachers to organise assessment work effectively and produce analysed data immediately after the assessment for IMMEDIATE POST-ASSESSMENT analysis teaching with the learners.
⊗ A very user-friendly interface that will convey any digital mobile devices with access to internet into a digital answering sheet.
⊗ Analysed data available immediately for teachers to capture that GOLDEN TEACHABLE MOMENT to rectify the critical learning points.
⊗ TEAM Model HiTeach 5 : Effective - Efficient - Exciting SMARTER TEACHING STRATEGIES!
Drop us a message & Get your TICKET to be on the next batch of HiTeach 5 International Pioneer User Challenge Phase 2!.