Here's a video from Bill Gates'
TED talk titled:
Teachers need real feedback. Gates' foundation has invested nearly $5 billion in a project called Measures of Effective Teaching, which seeks to build a systemic mechanism for teacher professional growth and development.
Gates mentioned
everyone needs a coach, whether it's a baseball player, tennis player, gymnast, or bridge player, whether they are a baseball player, a tennis player, a gymnast, or a bridge player, they all need someone to give them feedback to keep improving themselves, and
so do teachers.
He looked at some of the countries where students perform well academically (reading proficiency, math, and science) and how they help their teachers improve. He found that 11 out of 14 countries in countries with generally better reading proficiency than the United States have formal systems for helping teachers improve.
In the speech, he gave an example of Shanghai, which ranks among the best in learning performance, and analyzed that one of the keys to Shanghai's extraordinary achievements is to assist teachers in continuous improvement, for example, making sure that younger teachers have opportunities to observe master teachers, hold weekly study group to discuss what kind of teaching is effective; or let each teacher observe other teachers' teaching and give feedback.
The systematic approach of the "Measures of Effective Teaching" project is for observers to watch videos of teachers teaching in the classroom and rate how they did on a range of practices. For example, did teachers ask their students challenging questions? Did they find multiple ways to explain an idea? Ask students if the teacher knows when the class understands a lesson? Through such a mechanism, the results are very exciting, as the teachers who did well on these observations had far better student outcomes.
TEAM Model Smarter Education support system can help a lot with the practices mentioned in Gates' speech!
Starting with the basic lesson observation recording method, the
Digital Lesson Observation (DLO) General Plan provides an exclusive platform for the school teacher community. Using the smartphone in the hands of each teacher, lesson observation activities can be started directly, while observing teachers can use the
Sokrates Lecture Observation app on their smartphones to record their observations in text, pictures, audio, or video. When the lesson is over, the system will automatically collect the records of all lesson observers to generate a digital lesson observation form. This simple and convenient technological tool is an important digital support foundation for the systematic development mentioned by Bill Gates.
If we can introduce the mechanism of classroom video recording, as the Measures of Effective Teaching project plan, more things can be done. The
Digital Lesson Observation AI Camera Plan combines an AI camera that automatically adjusts the range and angle to record the lesson. After the lesson is over, the video will be automatically integrated with the lesson observation feedback from all observers into a
Sokrates Video. This kind of video recording not only allows people to observe and discuss lessons on-site, but also allows them to invite expert observers to give feedback online, as mentioned in Gates' speech. In addition, classic lesson examples videos can be saved for the reference of other teachers in the community, which allows them to observe master teachers as mentioned in the TED video.
In an environment where students use smart devices (e.g. tablets or smartphones), both teachers and students have digital devices, using
HiTeach software's teacher-student data feedback mechanism in the classroom can more easily implement modern competence-oriented teaching methods. This teaching model can introduce effective AI technology to help teachers teach and also assist teachers in adapting to innovative teaching applications in the digital environment, adjusting the application of technology into their teaching models.
For example,
AI Sokrates Summary Notice is one of the data services of the
AI Sokrates system. Every time teachers use HiTeach to conduct an interactive lesson, the system will automatically send a notification to them after the lesson is over, providing the Technology Interaction (T) index and Technology Function Triggered Times of the lesson, referred to as AI Sokrates Summary Notice. It provides immediate feedback on the technology application preference and index of each lesson, and accelerate the familiarization of HiTeach technology interaction function, acting as an
AI coach that accompanies users to enhance their interactive applications.
The purpose of introducing technology into the teaching environment is to transform the classroom teaching model digitally in response to the evolution of the times. Technology can help make teaching more effortless and teachers can be supported by AI technology to adapt to teaching in the digital age, allowing teachers to match trends and policies, and enter a new milestone in smart teaching.
The system Bill Gates wanted, the TEAM Model system is ready! We welcome people from the global education community to learn more about it.
★Related reference information:
►DLO General Plan
►AI DLO Starter Plan
►DLO AI Camera Plan
►AI DLO Ultimate Plan
►Academic publication: Sokrates Teaching Analytics System (STAS): An Automatic Teaching Behavior Analysis System
►9 Q&A you must know about Sokrates Digital Lesson Observation
►Introduction to Global TEAM Model Education Research Institute & Good Sokrates Lesson Example
►Digital Lesson Observation series: Pedagogical Review of AI Sokrates
►Digital Lesson Observation series: Sokrates Video
►Digital Lesson Observation series: Sokrates Report
►Digital Lesson Observation series: Lesson Observation Form
►Digital Lesson Observation series: Lesson Observation Focus Category