HiTeach 5 Instant Paper Test New Features Application
Paper tests are an important learning assessment tool in the classroom. With the help of the tablet/PC environment, HiTeach 5's SelfPace Test - Instant Paper Test Mode turns the tablet/PC into an electronic answer card, where students enter their answers on the card, and HiTeach automatically marks, calculates grades, and outputs reports.
※ This feature is available for HiTeach 5 v5.0.16.0002 or above (Please refer to this article to learn more about how to update HiTeach)
The 3 steps of HiTeach Instant Paper Test are as follows:
1. Students take a paper-based test:
First, the teacher gives out paper test papers or a standardized question booklet, and asks students to answer the single answer, multiple answers, and cloze questions.
2. Start the Instant Paper Test mode and enter the answer:
While students are answering the test, the teacher will activate
Instant Paper Test mode and set:
The question type and the number of questions, the number of options, for example: single answer questions X5, multiple answers questions X3, and cloze questions X2.
If there is pictures of the test paper (can also take a picture of the test paper on the spot), teachers can add it as an attachment (students will see the picture of the test paper on their Web IRS, the picture can also be used to aid explanation at the end of the test).
Set the correct answers, you can choose the Hide Answer button to prevent students from seeing the correct answers.
After the above setting, start the Instant Paper Test mode and students can enter their answers on their Web IRS. The progress of each student's answer will be displayed on the HiTeach screen.

Activate the Instant Paper Test mode and set the number of questions

Set the number of questions/options for each type of question, attach pictures of the test paper, and set the answers

Students can enter their answers using Web IRS and HiTeach shows their progress
Students use ta
blets or smartphones to connect to the Web IRS by entering the URL: irs5.cc in their browser and entering the classroom No. and pin No. (e.g. 138253:7326 at the upper right corner of HiTeach in the picture above), then the students can enter their answers on the answer card, including the answers to the single answer, multiple answers, and cloze questions.
3. The teacher reviews the test:
After the students have finished answering, the teacher presses the
Stop Test button and the students can view the number of questions they got right, the number of questions they got wrong, and the correct answer for each question. The teacher can view the class results and various reports, including the correct rate of each question, grade distribution charts, and student score tables. The teacher can use these data to conduct interactive review: Select key and difficult questions and provide explanations based on the options, do SMART Pick-out, send differentiated teaching materials, etc.

Students can view the test results in real-time

Show the correct rate of each question. Green: 70% or more, yellow: 50% or more, and red: 50% or less.

View each student's score

View Score Distribution Chart

Quickly pick out the key questions and review them
This is a new method of smarter classroom learning assessment, no need to spend additional time on lesson preparation and question preparation at all, and directly digitalizes the paper test, saving effort and efficiency, isn't it very convenient?
#HiTeach 5 Instant Paper Test, tests are more effortless, please share the new wisdom of teaching.