TEAM Model AI Smarter School

TEAM Model Smarter Classroom + TEAM Model Lecture Observation Lounge + Data Decision

TEAM Model Smarter Classroom

An all-round smarter education solution

TEAM Model Smarter Classroom
TEAM Model Smarter Classroom
An all-round smarter education solution

TEAM Model Smarter Classroom is a kind of smarter classroom based on HiTeach Smarter Teaching System, which is also the basic constituent unit of AI school. Starting with “teaching” and “learning” in class, TEAM Model Smarter Classroom perfectly integrates all kinds of software, hardware and cloud AI, big data required in the class. Without complicated operation, it can help teachers and students to achieve the ideal state of modern classroom and flip the traditional teaching scene.。

Smarter Teachinge-Teaching
Use of student-centered teaching to foster enthusiasm for learning, inspire smarter teaching and realize modern instructional concepts The HiTeach Smarter Teaching System integrates Haboard Smarter Touchscreens, smartphones, student tablets, and cloud platform resources for the purpose of highly interactive smarter teaching. This system offers convenience, effectiveness and intelligence and lets students become the masters of the classroom.
Real-time Assessmente-assEssing
Precise data-based decision-making, synchronous differentiation When all students are using their learning tools, data concerning students’ answers or feedback can be gathered instantly while the teacher asks questions and the students engage in discussion and feedback: this data can be presented clearly in the form of charts, facilitating precision teaching.
Smarter Diagnosise-diAgnosing
Use of Al to perform data excavation and analysis; real-time generation of teaching and learning diagnostic reports TEAM Model Smarter Classrooms can analyze learning feedback data and generate reports, including comprehensive visual diagnostic charts, which can help teachers to precisely monitor each student's learning status. The TEAM Model employs Al technology to perform real-time analysis of teaching model and technological applications, etc., facilitating teachers' professional growth.
Seamless Remediatione-reMediation
Seamless linkage of before, during, and after class learning, greatly expanding effectiveness of learning resources With a cloud platform at its center and the AClass ONE Learning Companion App as a terminal, the TEAM Model can automatically generate learning resources such as teaching materials, e-notes, activity procedures, and diagnostic reports, which provides students with a ubiquitous learning environment and opportunities. Through individualized video and learning statistics and data analysis, students can see their own learning situation more accurately, and then remedy the shortcomings of what they have learned in class.
Four major features of TEAM Model Smarter Classroom

Convenience, Efficiency, Intelligence, Big data


An integrated system environment, effortless operation and barrier-free instruction


Technology-aided instruction, quick and accurate decision-making, enhanced learning efficiency


AI technology, machine learning functions and enhancing the level of instruction

Big Data

Data collection and analysis, monitoring teaching effectiveness and understanding learning status

Example of interaction between teacher's HiTeach operation and students' devices

Example of interaction between teacher's HiTeach operation and students' devices


HiTeach Mobile Smarter Classroom,
HiTeach IRS Smarter Classroom,  
HiTeach TBL Smarter Classroom
HiTeach Distance Hybrid Smarter Classroom
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