


An Action Research on the Application of Tablet Computers to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation and Reading Performance of Senior Students in Elementary School

本研究利用數位教學平台蒐集學生之課堂表現與數位作業資料。研究選用網奕資訊所設置之教學平台 IES(Instructional Expert System)與HiTeach。此平台可統整智慧教室教學歷 程中各項資料,包含學生作品、即時回答內容、回家作業等,能詳實記錄學生利用資 訊科技互動之次數、得分以及學習成果等資料。 

論文名稱(外文):    An Action Research on the Application of Tablet Computers to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation and Reading Performance of Senior Students in Elementary School







The purpose of this study is to integrate tablet computers into Chinese lessons to solve the problems, such as the lack of underachievers' motivation and bad reading performance. Addition, it aims to investigate whether the use of tablet computers has a lasting effect on students' reading performance and to identify the challenges faced by teachers during the integration of tablet computers in Chinese lessons.
The study employed an action research methodology and involved 22 sixth graders from the researcher's class in an elementary school. A two-phase cyclic implementation of information technology integrated Chinese instruction was conducted using a blended teaching approach with tablet computers. The instruction lasted approximately ten weeks and covered ten text articles with five different topics in a total of fifty sessions. The first cycle of instruction is designed from a student-centered perspective, where the teacher provides guidance and immediately assigns learning tasks for students to complete and present. In the first cycle of instruction, researcher found that some students were regressing in their reading performance. Through reflection on instruction, researcher realized the importance of teacher guidance for students. As a result, researcher initiated the second cycle of instruction, adopting a cognitive apprenticeship approach to guide students in their reading comprehension strategies. Data were collected through motivation questionnaires, reading comprehension assessments, semi-structured interviews, and research process documentation. The findings are as follows:

1. Integrating tablet computers into Chinese lessons enhances the learning motivation of the sixth graders in elementary school.
2. Integrating tablet computers into Chinese lessons improves the reading performance of students with bad reading abilities in the sixth grade. However, it has a negative impact on students with good reading abilities.
3. Integrating tablet computers into Chinese lessons has no significant delay effect on students' reading performance.
4. The main challenges faced by teachers when using tablet computers in Chinese lessons relate to curriculum preparation and implementation. However, after overcoming these difficulties, tablet computers can be beneficial to teaching.