


Research on the Application of AI Text Analysis Module and Teaching Efficiency by English Junior High School Teachers


研究生:    謝宛芹
論文名稱(外文):    Research on the Application of AI Text Analysis Module and Teaching Efficiency by English Junior High School Teachers



在AI時代下的學習,教師能為學生的學習,以及教室裡的風景帶來什麼樣的改變與火花?本研究是以透過訪談了解在資訊科技融入教學的教學設計中,特別針對國中英語科教師融入智慧教學系統之「AI文句分析模組」的應用與成效。本研究的目的有四:探討教師使用AI文句分析模組的目的與教學歷程中的使用時機、比較教師使用AI文句分析模組的教學策略、分析智慧教師在教學設計之教學策略安排影響英語教學效能的關係,以及檢視在英語課堂中融入智慧教學互動系統的英語教學之成效。研究方法以訪談法為主,問卷調查為輔,透過MAXQDA軟體分析質性的訪談逐字稿,使用IBM SPSS軟體分析與呈現問卷調查之量化數據資料。研究結果顯示:




Teachers' reflection or feedback after teaching relied on human records in the past. The development of relevant research to collecting data on teachers' teaching behavior in the classroom is also deeply restricted by the time-consuming training manpower cost or the inconvenience of the collection equipment. Under the trend of beginning to pay attention to effective classrooms, AI Sokrates Teaching Analytics System has improved the problem of labor cost by expanding the technology equipment in the classroom, and combined with the advantages of digital and technology using the semi-automatic method to collect the data of teachers' pattern of teaching behavior. It is a teaching support system based on modern educational concepts. The use of effective technology interaction and teaching method application strategies can create more efficient teaching effects.

The purposes of this study were to understand the difference between the quantitative data of classes from AI Sokrates Teaching Analytics System and the qualitative data of observations from the experts, explore the effect of principals’ technology leadership on teachers and their pattern of teaching behavior and effectiveness, and analyze the relationship between pattern of teaching behavior and teaching effectiveness. This study employed the content analysis, interview, and questionnaire investigation methods in order to achieve the research purposes. In addition, the Pearson product-moment correlation was used to analyze the relationship between teachers' pattern of teaching behavior and teaching effectiveness. Furthermore, the SEM was employed to verify the liner relationship between the two variables aforementioned. That is, the effect of teachers' pattern of teaching behavior on teachers’ teaching effectiveness.

The results show that the higher consensus of the AI Sokrates Teaching Analytics System and the experts, the higher teaching effectiveness of the class. Those principals who implemented the strategies of technology leadership would appropriately model the pattern of teaching behavior to integrate technology into their classes to meet the needs of their teaching eventually. Moreover, there is a significantly positive correlation between teachers' overall pattern of teaching behavior and teaching effectiveness (r=0.83, p <.01). After the model fitness test, it revealed that the proposed model fits well and the teachers' pattern of teaching behavior has significantly positive effect (.97) on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. The suggestions were provided which were based on the results for the reference of educational administration institutions, elementary and junior high school principals, teachers, and the follow up research in the future.